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3-1. General Policy

  1. The demo project position classification system combines OPM General Schedule (GS) occupational series and grade levels into broad occupational families and paybands (Appendix A). Benchmark position descriptions (Appendix B) are used to document position classification decisions in all occupational families and paybands except those bands covering positions that exceed the GS-15 level. Positions that exceed the GS-15 level will be classified in accordance with Science and Technology (S&T) Reinvention Laboratory Policy 97-1, Classification, Recruitment and Pay Policy for Positions that Exceed GS-15 Classification Equivalency.
  2. The Commanders/Directors, MRDC have been delegated position classification authority from the MRDC Commander. This authority may not be delegated any lower than a second line manager, and may be withdrawn at the discretion of the granting authority. Managers do not have the authority to classify their personal position of record.

3-2. Position Classification Process

  1. Demo project supervisors, in coordination with CPAC, will:
    1. Identify the OPM occupational series and demo project occupational family through comparison of a position's duties and responsibilities to the OPM Handbook of Occupational Groups and Series.
    2. Select the benchmark position description which most closely matches the level of regular and recurring work assigned to the position. To be credited at a higher level, a position's duties must considerably exceed the level of work described in lower level benchmark descriptions. These higher level duties must be regular and recurring. Duties and responsibilities that are not regular and recurring in a position may exceed the stated criteria in a given benchmark position description but not warrant selection of position description at a higher level.
    3. Identify the position title using those prescribed in current OPM Position Classification Standards. For example, Microbiologist is the title for the 403 occupational series; Budget Analyst is the title for the 560 occupational series, etc. A supervisory prefix is used only in situations where a benchmark position description is selected that depicts the continuous assignment of both technical and administrative supervisory duties.
    4. Identify the occupational series (Appendix A), specialty code(s) (Appendix C), financial statement indicator, and acquisition position indicator.
    5. Identify the appropriate OPM functional code (Appendix D) for positions in the Engineers and Scientists occupational family.
    6. Determine whether the position is exempt or nonexempt from the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act consistent with criteria in 5 CFR part 551 (Appendix E).
    7. Document classification decisions on the Benchmark Position Description Cover Sheet (Appendix F) and submit the position description and completed cover sheet to the manager with delegated classification authority.
  2. Demo project managers with delegated classification authority will:
    1. Certify to all items identified in 3-2a and indicate approval by signing block 13 of Benchmark Position Description Cover Sheet.
    2. Evaluate any position management or classification concerns and recommendations from the CPAC or the CPOC, and where deemed necessary, revise and resubmit the Benchmark Position Description Cover Sheet and the requested personnel action in accordance with CPAC or CPOC recommendations. The final position classification decision will be made by demo project managers with delegated classification authority.
    3. Develop new benchmark position descriptions and specialty codes as needed, in conjunction with supervisors.
  3. The CPAC will:
    1. Advise and assist demo project managers/supervisors in choosing or developing benchmark position descriptions and specialty codes, and completing the Benchmark Position Description Cover Sheet.
    2. Advise the managers of any position management concerns, e.g., supervisory layering, high grade restrictions, functional overlap/duplication, etc., and provide recommended alternatives to address these concerns.
    3. Submit final classification actions to the CPOC for execution.
    4. Assure current position classification guidance (benchmark descriptions, specialty codes, occupational series, etc.) is provided to the MRDC managers.
  4. The CPOC will:
    1. Review classification decision made by demo project managers.
    2. Assign job description number and competitive level.
    3. Concur with classification of new benchmark position descriptions
      prior to inclusion in Appendix B.

3-3. Classification Appeals

  1. An employee may appeal the occupational series or payband level of his or her position at any time. The appeal can only be initiated if the employee is officially assigned to the position in question. The appeal process is outlined below:
    1. The employee must formally raise the areas of concern to supervisors in the immediate chain of command, either verbally or in writing.
    2. If the employee is not satisfied with the supervisory response, the employee may then appeal to the DoD appellate level.
    3. If the employee is not satisfied with the DoD response, he/she may appeal to the Office of Personnel Management, but only after DoD has rendered a decision under the provisions of the demonstration project. Appellate decisions from OPM are final and binding on all administrative, certifying, payroll, disbursing and accounting officials of the Government. Time periods for case processing as prescribed in Title 5 U.S.C. apply.
  2. An employee may not appeal the assignment of the occupational series to an occupational family; the accuracy of the occupational family; the title of a position; the accuracy of the position description; the demonstration project classification criteria, or the pay-setting criteria; the propriety of a salary schedule; or matters grievable under an administrative or negotiated grievance procedure or alternative dispute resolution procedure. An employee requesting a classification decision that would exceed the equivalent of a GS-15 level may not submit the appeal to OPM.
  3. The evaluation of a classification appeal is based on the demo project classification criteria. CPAC and CPOC representatives will assist managers in responding to employee appeals and requests for data from appellate reviewers. Case files will be forwarded for adjudication through the CPAC and the CPOC, and will include copies of appropriate demonstration project criteria.
  4. Outline of Complaint/Appeal Process
    1. Employee
      1. Raises the classification issue with supervisors in the chain of command, either orally or in writing.
      2. If dissatisfied with the outcome of the classification complaint, may initiate a formal classification appeal by preparing a written package containing the information required in 3-3e.
      3. Forwards the complete appeal package through supervisory channels to the activity Commander/Director. The Commander/Director forwards the appeal to the servicing CPAC for further processing.
    2. CPAC
      1. Advises employee on procedural aspects of filing an appeal. Obtains signatures of employee and supervisor attesting to the accuracy of the position description. Attaches the activity response to any classification issues presented in the appeal and a copy of the performance standards. Provides any supplementary information bearing on the position's duties and responsibilities.
      2. Forwards package to CPOC for completion.
      3. CPOC
        1. Attaches a copy of the official position description and classification evaluation statement of the appellant and the appellant's supervisor. If the position appealed is supervisory, attaches copies of the subordinate position descriptions and evaluation statements used for determining base level of work supervised. Includes in the package applicable organizational charts, mission and function statements, and a copy of the employee's latest SF-50.
        2. Reviews package to ensure all necessary documents are attached. Prepares transmittal letter, including name and address of point of contact within the CPOC, and forwards package to the appropriate appellate level.
  5. Content of Classification Appeals
    1. Employee's name, mailing address, and office telephone number.
    2. Employee's complete organizational location (e.g., division, branch, section) and the employing component (installation name, mailing address).
    3. Employee's current title, pay plan (occupational family), occupational series and payband.
    4. Requested title, pay plan (occupational family), occupational series, and payband.
    5. Reasons why the employee believes the position classification is in error. The employee should refer to position classification standards that support the appeal and should state specific points of disagreement with the evaluation statement. The employee may also include a statement of facts that he/she thinks may affect the final classification decision.
    6. Name, address, and business telephone number of employee's representative, if any.
    7. Copy of the official position description and evaluation statement; if the position is supervisory, copies of the position descriptions and evaluation statements used for determining base level.
    8. Location of the position within the component, including organizational charts and mission and function statements.
    9. A signed statement, within 90 days of appeal, from the immediate supervisor or higher management official certifying that the position description is complete and accurate.
    10. A copy of the employee's latest SF-50.
    11. Copies of previously issued appeal or review decisions that address the classification of the position.
    12. The activity response to any classification issues raised by the appellant.
    13. Any supplementary information bearing on the position's duties and responsibilities including a complete analysis of any point on which the activity disagrees with the employee's description of the work.
    14. A copy of the official position description and evaluation statement of the employee's immediate supervisor.
    15. Name and telephone number of the CPOC point of contact.
  6. Sample Format For Classification Appeals
	SUBJECT: Position Classification Appeal - (Appellant's name)
	THRU: (Supervisory Channels)
		  (Commander/Director, Activity)

	TO:   (Appellate level)

	1. Reference Internal Operating Procedure, Chapter 3, Position Classification.
	2. I hereby appeal the classification of the position to which I am now officially
	   assigned. The following information is furnished as required by the appellate

	a. Name of appellant:
	b. Complete organizational location including installation, division, branch, section, etc.
	c. Current job number and classification:
	d. Job classification requested:
	e. Appellant's representative (if any):
	f. Reasoning supporting this request:

	(Typed name/signature of appellant)