Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How do you convert your payband to a corresponding grade for travel purposes?
  2. Does locality pay remain in place under the DEMO?
  3. How is status obtained if an employee currently holds a Contingent Appointment (previously "TERM" appointment) in the DEMO?
  4. Do employees hired into the DEMO after the initial 7 JUN 98 conversion date receive a Within-Grade Buyout?
  5. In RIF situations, what is the "modal" rating and when is it applied?
  6. Upon promotion to a higher payband, how is the pay set?
  7. What are the time limits on Details to a higher payband?
  8. What are the "time-in-grade" requirements under the DEMO?
  9. How are qualifications determined for DEMO vacancies?
  10. Who has the authority to grant an extension on a Contingent Appointment (previously TERM appointment)?
  11. Can pre-DEMO TERM employees who were converted into the DEMO as Contingent Employees be extended up to a maximum of 6 total years?
  12. What is a "promotion" under DEMO?
  13. What is the conversion out process when an employee leaves the DEMO?
  14. When filing for a position, how is payband eligibility determined?
  15. Does the DEMO recognize Special Salary Rates (e.g. , Office Automation Pay Scale)?
  16. How is paysetting determined for external (non-government) candidates?
  17. How does the simplified assignment process work?
  18. Can special performance ratings be used for annual ratings during a RIF?
  19. How does the Personnel Demonstration Project (PDP) affect management's process of requesting a list of referrals from Career Program (ACESS)?
  20. How does the Personnel Demonstration Project (PDP) impact the process of a PDP employee registering, or updating a current registration, in Career Program (ACCES)?

How do you convert your payband to a corresponding grade for travel purposes?

An employee will designate as their current GS grade level, the highest equivalent GS grade represented in their payband.

Does locality pay remain in place under the DEMO?

The Demonstration Project continues to recognize locality pay.

How is status obtained if an employee currently holds a Contingent Appointment (previously "TERM" appointment) in the DEMO?

An employee must meet ALL the following conditions in order to obtain status: (1) Originally selected under competitive procedures, (2) Have served 2 continuous years in a TERM/Contingent appointment (time served prior to 7 JUN 98 with no break in service is creditable) , (3) File for and be selected under merit promotion procedures for a permanent position, and (4) Possess a current performance rating of "B" or better.

Do employees hired into the DEMO after the initial 7 JUN 98 conversion date receive a Within-Grade Buyout?

Only those employees who are hired into the DEMO involuntarily (to include Transfer of Function, BRAC, RIF, PPP) will receive the Within-Grade Buyout at the time they are hired, but no earlier than 7 JUN 99.

In RIF situations, what is the "modal" rating and when is it applied?

The modal rating is the rating based on a scale that utilizes the most common rating given within a specific group of individuals assigned ratings as to overall review of work performance. For example, if "B" is the rating most often received in a given group of individuals (competitive area), then "missing" ratings are assigned "B." The modal rating is only used when the employee has no ratings of record.

Upon promotion to a higher payband, how is the pay set?

Upon promotion to a higher payband, an employee will be entitled to a 6% pay increase, or the minimum rate of the new payband to which promoted, whichever is greater. The highest previous rate may also be considered in setting pay upon promotion, under rules similar to the highest previous rate rules in 5 CFR 531.203 (c) & (d). A PAY INCREASE UPON PROMOTION WILL NOT EXCEED $10,000.

What are the time limits on Details to a higher payband?

Employees may be non-competitively detailed to a higher payband not to exceed 180 days.

What are the "time-in-grade" requirements under the DEMO?

Time-in-grade requirements (5 USC Part 300.601-605) were waived under the DEMO (see page 10457 of the Federal Register). Employees are required to meet the qualifications defined in the OPM Qualifications Standards Handbook for General Schedule Positions, to include any specialized experience.

How are qualifications determined for DEMO vacancies?

Qualifications continue to be determined via the OPM Qualifications Standards Handbook for General Schedule Positions.

Who has the authority to grant an extension on a Contingent Appointment (previously TERM appointment)?

The procedure for granting an extension of a Contingent Appointment is the Commander/Director will submit written justification through the CPAC to the Commanding General, USAMRDC. Length of extension will be noted on the written justification.

Can pre-DEMO TERM employees who were converted into the DEMO as Contingent Employees be extended up to a maximum of 6 total years?

Yes, if written justification is approved by the Commander/Director, CPAC, and the Commanding General, USAMRDC.

What is a "promotion" under DEMO?

A promotion under DEMO is defined as the movement of an employee to a higher payband within the same occupational family, or to a payband in a different occupational family that results in an increase in the employee's salary.

What is the conversion out process when an employee leaves the DEMO?

Employee's DEMO payband is converted to a GS grade level using the representative rate (Step 4 of the GS grade level). See pages 115 and 116 of the DEMO Training Manual for a more detailed explanation of the conversion out process.

When filing for a position, how is payband eligibility determined?

Payband eligibility will be determined using the OPM Qualifications Standards Handbook for General Schedule Positions, which is defined by occupational series.

Does the DEMO recognize Special Salary Rates (e.g. , Office Automation Pay Scale)?

Employees who are covered by special salary rates, prior to the DEMO project, will no longer be considered a special rate employee. These employees will, therefore, be eligible for full locality pay.

How is paysetting determined for external (non-government) candidates?

Under current paysetting procedures, external candidates may be brought in (1) at their current salary , (2) an adjusted salary based on evidence of bona fide job offer, or (3) an adjusted salary based on superior qualifications.

How does the simplified assignment process work?

Managers may assign employees, within benchmark position descriptions within the payband, without competition and without official personnel action.

Can special performance ratings be used for annual ratings during a RIF?

No, only the last three annual ratings can be utilized for RIF purposes.

How does the Personnel Demonstration Project (PDP) affect management's process of requesting a list of referrals from Career Program (ACESS)?

If the position is in a broadband level that does not encompass a career program mandatory referral grade, management does not need to request a referral list. If the position is in a broadband level that encompasses both mandatory and non-mandatory referral grades, management has two options:

  1. If management wishes to recruit only at a salary that is lower than the representative rate(step 4) of the mandatory referral grade, there is no requirement to request an ACCES list. Local recruitment methods may be used. NOTE: In this case, management may not recruit at a rate of basic pay that equals or exceeds the representative rate of the mandatory referral grade.
  2. If the salary equals or exceeds the representative rate (step 4) of the mandatory referral grade, management must request a referral list in accordance with career program procedures. When requesting a list, the CPAC/CPOC will enter the appropriate equivalent GS grade on the referral request. Management also has the option of using local recruitment methods in conjunction with mandatory career program procedures in order to supplement the recruitment effort. Selections may be made from either source. NOTE: When using local recruitment methods, the minimum area of consideration will be DA-wide; the "best qualified" criteria used for both lists will be substantially equivalent; and the closing date for the local recruitment announcement will coincide with the Careerist Suspense Date located on the Army Civilian Career Evaluation System (ACCES) Referral Notification Letter.

How does the Personnel Demonstration Project (PDP) impact the process of a PDP employee registering, or updating a current registration, in Career Program (ACCES)?

PDP employees who wish to submit an initial or update their current registration in ACCES and be referred for Army positions at or above the mandatory referral level will have their eligibility determined IAW 5 CFR 300.605 and OPM qualification standards. Their current salary will be compared to the GS system using the Step 4 Rule.

The Step 4 Rule will be applied as follows: Demonstration project experience will be credited at the equivalent GS grade by comparing the candidate's rate of basic pay with the representative rate (as defined in 5 CFR 351.203.) The equivalent GS grade is determined by identifying the representative rate that equals the candidate's rate of basic pay. When the candidate's rate of basic pay falls between the representative rates of two grades, it will be credited at the higher grade.

Since the Army area of consideration for ACCES is worldwide, the GS base salary schedule will be used when applying the Step 4 Rule.